Bubble Wrap and Taming a New Home

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But if you tame me

it will be as if the sun

came to shine on my life

Antoine’a de Saint-Exupéry “The Little Prince”

My colleagues at work collected a considerable amount of bubble wrap for me. Now I can cover photo frames safely in it, and yellow bowls like a Lisbon tram, a ceramic bird, or a coffee machine. Then, carry them to a new home.

A fresh home in Galway that I am currently taming. It has a much larger sofa and fabulous colorful pillows, a balcony with a wooden floor, and a space for my writing desk. In front of the house, there is a tree, not that impressive as an oak in Wrocław, because it is young, but it has beautiful cooper leaves and crows are already sitting on it.
I am now like the river Corrib just in front of the Salmon Weir Bridge, because my emotions mingle and bubble inside me, but I’m swimming forward, towards the ocean.

This is the twelfth place to tame in my life. I want it very much, but at the same time, the road has taken root in me. When I wake up, I can feel the dust in my morning coffee and wind in my hair, which is why they are always tousled. Finally, I have a place to rest, under the lamp- there are already guitar and ukeleles like under in the sun. When I finally move, I’ll light the candles in the bathroom and take a bubble bath. I haven’t had one for years.

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