My friend Lilka Poncyliusz-Guranowska recently sent me her latest book „Twój Najlepszy Poradnik” (“Your Best Guide”), which she wrote for teenagers. Today I would like to present it to you because I am sure that if I had such a guide as a teen, I would know how to solve some of the difficult situations that I was experiencing at that time.
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What can we do against racism?
“Understanding Racism and Building Allyship” – the Zoom meeting for Wave Makers of Galway 2020, and “Anti-racism – the change starts in the body” – workshop by the new visions became for me another motivation to look at racial discrimination and also at myself. I am grateful to be on the road to change together with diverse people.
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The morning coffee smells like orange trees in the Doña Elvira square in Seville, although it is mystical gray outside the window. I am sitting on the sofa as on a small tiled bench. Instead of the sounds of water in the fountain, I hear the washing machine. Notebook based on corduroy legs. I can’t turn off poetry because it is my life.
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Finally is snowing in Galway. I stick my head out the window, the white flakes dance and fall on my face. It very rarely have fluffy winter in Ireland. Today’s snow is also fleeting, I know it is one day, but I am happy as a child of it.
Continue readingMeeting in one port
A January morning on the northeast coast of the Atlantic is getting longer. Galway’s roofs shine white, not rain. I make coffee and I open a special book that my friend sent me for Christmas.
Continue readingLeaves and banners fly, and I put turquoise on my eyelids
The second wave of the epidemic came in autumn. Atlantic in Galway has been pouring from the sky for several days and the roar of the wind wakes up me at night. But the cry of revolution from Poland is louder than the stormy sea and it echoes in my heart.
Continue readingCommunity fridge – let’s share with each other
The catalyst for this article was an virtual meeting with Izabela Duchnowska, the initiator of a community fridge which she put in front of her artistic hostel in Wrocław’s Nadodrze over two years ago.
Continue readingTwo orbites of Małgorzata Wątor’s poetry
One afternoon, Destined / Namienionô – a bilingual poetry book by Małgorzata Wątor fell through the letter slot in the blue door of my apartment in Galway, Ireland. A first poem called to me in the corridor yet.
Continue reading“Glimpses” – poems which take you for travel
“Glimpses” / “Mgnienia” / by Daria Danuta Lisiecka take me to various places.
First I get off at the railway station in A. – Aleksandrów Kujawski, darling stop of a provincial town in Poland, my friend and poet waits for me there.
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There is one place in Wroclaw, Poland, where I always drop in, even if I come to the city for only two days. This point has became my personal symbol of Wroclaw which I miss.
Kawalerka Cafe – is a tiny coffee shop located on Benedytkt Polak street opposite the blocks from postmodern architecture or cosmic blocks as I usually call them, nearby the Grunwald Bridge and my flat where I used to live. The interior is decorated in 60s and 90s style. Not so long ago you could choose a music from tape records and play it on.
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