Hey, Teenager! This Is Your Best Guide

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My friend Lilka Poncyliusz-Guranowska recently sent me her latest book „Twój Najlepszy Poradnik” (“Your Best Guide”), which she wrote for teenagers. Today I would like to present it to you because I am sure that if I had such a guide as a teen, I would know how to solve some of the difficult situations that I was experiencing at that time.

Book – Friend

Because in this book, you can find many tips on what to do in circumstances that may have a destructive effect on young people. For example, who to report bullying if we experience it in the classroom or at our home? What to do when loneliness overwhelms us or our parents get divorced? Where does anorexia come from? How to deal with parents’ excessive ambitions?

Girls can read a lot about the beginning of menstruation, boys about voice mutation or facial hair. Young readers will also learn that everyone has the right to privacy, freedom, and a right to equal treatment. There are many tests and games in the book, ways to relieve stress and anxiety, tips for a successful first date, and home patents for acne or greasy hair. Personally, I was intrigued by the tomato mask that I am going to try on my curls.

Well, because your “Your Best Guide” („Twój Najlepszy Poradnik”) touches not only difficult topics but also has a joyful gentleness. It is like a friend. Although it is not going to replace a bunch of buddies. But the author tries to emphasize at every step how friendship is important in our lives, and how to be open to it. The chapter about compliments is amazing because it encourages us to discover value in ourselves and others. “You are multi-talented” – the writer seems to tell the reader 🙂

We are led by the hand through all the issues in this guide as if we were on a nice walk. First, the author describes in a literary manner various home and school situations experienced by young people or different thoughts that swirl in the young heads. And then gives solutions adapted to the possibilities of youth in today’s world. Under the chapters, you can also find a list of useful organizations which can provide support.

Honestly, teenagers can lock with this book in their room and find an antidote in it, rather than googling blindly. In addition, the author also reflects the specific reality of the pandemic.

Don’t be afraid of your own ideas

In the eyes of my imagination, I can see myself from the past and the teenagers I know. There are also tips that readers can cut from the book and give to their parents, or hang some citations over their desk. The book is written clearly, referring sometimes to teen slang. While every page has great illustrations. Plus, there is plenty of room for your own notes. The handbook certainly strengthens self-confidence and encourages auto reflection. Maybe the parents are right sometimes? And mood swings are a natural thing during adolescence.

Friendship gives me a great power

Lilka is my longtime friend and woman who lives with passion. She is sensitive to the problems of others and has always searched for answers. Before she started working on this guide for young people, she made numerous interviews with teenagers and found out what topics they find most necessary. On a daily basis, Lilka teaches teenagers of English ( she loves the English language) at the Primary School in Pruszków, and also she is a group tutor of the class. Privately, she is interested in psychology and problems such as depression, addictions (also behavioral), self-harm in children and youth, and suicides.

Besides she is a journalist and wrote several hundred articles for the monthly magazine for teenagers and Primary School Victor and Victor Junior. In connection with these articles, she did several dozen interviews with psychologists about the problems faced by young people. She likes to be active with people, and keep learning herself. So she shares her experience with other teachers in Poland and Europe and organizes workshops on how to use modern technologies during the lessons at school in the eTwinning Poland program.

We have been friends with Lilka for several dozen years and despite the distance, our relationship remains colorful and joyful. Because Lilka loves life above all and is not afraid to make her dreams come true, even in her 40s. – Friendship gives me a great power – so, she said. And you can discover such passion for life and wisdom resulting from numerous experiences and openness to others in this book. I recommend it to you with all my heart.

Lilka Poncyliusz-Guranowska “Twój Najlepsy Poradnik”, IBIS.

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