How I found my tree

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One day, I saw a tall tree on the sunny grass. Its taproots were so spreading so I decided to sit on one of them, and I rested my back on a warm trunk. It was so comfortable like sitting in an armchair and I felt great. Then I thought to go back to this tree every day, which unexpectedly became my companion.

Who is my tree?

Its tall, dressed in a fluffy moss like a sweater, has long thin branches and oblong light green leaves with finely toothed edges.

I visit my tree every day. I hug it, meditate under its branches, run around and also talk to it, shyly.

I discovered that this is the willow. I’m not a dendrologist, but I think it’s the crack willow or a white willow, not really sure. If you recognize the type of willow from the photos, please let me know. 😊

The bee climbs on the tree

When I was sitting under my tree for the first time, I saw a bee walking amongst the grass. I thought this bee was lost somewhere. However, a bee made her way directly to the tree and then climbed onto the trunk. I found to my surprise that willow is very important to bees, because provides them with nectar.


I heard about dendrotherapy, which is a healing with the help of trees, especial emotions.

Now because I am with my tree every day, I can discover that this meeting is very positive for me. Under the tree I feel like in my place, I am not in a hurry anywhere and I just want to be in this ordinary moment as long as possible.

Supposedly, willow helps to improve self-knowledge and helps us to discover what we really feel.

It also can be poetic and inspire us to create something.

Willow bark is natural aspirin because contains salicins. It has also valuable anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which the ancients Egyptians already used.

Just being

When I was a little girl, a willow grew in front of our house. Its branches were so dense that I could hide in them. I liked to sit there and stare at life. Now, after years,  I found the willow again but completely different from that of my childhood.  

It seems like I make a friend with the tree not for the first time in my life.

I rest on its cozy trunk, the river Corrib flows in front of my eyes, various trees glisten in the sun, and Willow Warbler sings:

Simply be!

Do you like to hug on tree? Do you maybe have a friend-tree, already? Share your story in the comment. Thank you!

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9 Comments How I found my tree

  1. Alodia1949 14 April 2020 at 17:14

    taki duet – irlandzka wierzba i polska kobieta 🙂

    1. blue tram 14 April 2020 at 17:18

      Wow, dziękuję za takie piękne spostrzeżenie 🙂 Okazuje się, że w Irlandii wierzby też są popularne, tylko trochę wydają mi się inne 🙂

      1. Alodia1949 18 April 2020 at 18:41

        tam pewnie w ogóle jest podobnie jak u nas ale jednak trochę inaczej 🙂

  2. Justa 14 April 2020 at 23:25

    Gosia, to takie kojące i piękne, uwielbiam wierzby. Tak teraz myślę, znaleźć swoje drzewo to jest naprawdę coś 🙂

  3. blue tram 15 April 2020 at 10:46

    Dzięki Justa! Dziś rano obudziłam się w chmurnym nastroju, kiedy siadłam pod drzewem zrobiło mi się naprawdę spokojniej i do głowy zaczęły napływać pozytywne wyjaśnienia. Postanowiłam więc, że zamiast przed komputerem, pójdę dziś pisać pod drzewo. W końcu jest tak blisko. 🙂 Życzę Ci abyś i Ty kiedyś odnalazła swoje drzewo Kochana! Choć to też takie oswajanie u mnie, że w ogóle można mieć nagle relację z drzewem 🙂

  4. Tat 18 April 2020 at 16:21

    Very peaceful and inspiring) Thanks a lot, Gosia.

    1. blue tram 18 April 2020 at 17:59

      Thank you Tat, my pleasure 🙂

  5. DIRNDL SKIRT 15 May 2020 at 01:10

    I love that you have included so much practical information along with your feelings that this tree inspired! I also love the photo of you in your yellow sneakers hugging your tree in its mossy green sweater! We have weeping willows, so I am not sure I know your exact tree. But thank you for introducing her to me 🙂

  6. blue tram 16 May 2020 at 12:58

    Thank you, Sharon! I glad you liked this little story and you noticed the feelings between. Trees bring me a kind of stability during this uncertain time. On “my everyday meadow”, next to the willow, birch grows, as well and lately I am talking with her, too 🙂


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