Imbolc – a hope for clearer paths

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The first surgery in my life is behind me. And I woke up from sleep just in time for the Imbolc festival – spring returning, which Ireland is celebrating this weekend. I wrote here a few years ago that the Celtic Imbolc meets at the crossroads with Saint Bridget’s Day. Meanwhile, I put on a ginger hoodie, light candles next to the ceramic volcano Vesuvius, and turn on colorful lights. And my friend brings me a red primrose in a yellow pot.

The Celtic goddess Brigid is the patroness of the heart, healing, and poetry. She carries new energy and creative forces in her hand. People decorate houses with flowers, weave square crosses from rushes, burn red candles, and look for signs of spring’s return.

When they were taking me for the procedure, I was wondering until the last moment how to explain in poetry, what I was experiencing and seeing around me. It was a surprise to me that poetry was holding my hand all the time in this situation full of fear.

However, I was also surrounded by wonderful people: nurses, and doctors, from various countries of the world. They made me feel safe but also let me see myself anew. And everything around me was filled with incredible diversity. I never would guessed that I would write such words about a hospital.

It seems that it was not for nothing that someone wrote “Have a nice day” with a navy blue marker and drew a fat sun on the door in the waiting room.

Anyway, it’s raining, but in the soil of the roof garden, seeds are already sprouting. Maybe new dreams will grow? The light first looks into the heart. Maybe our passions will ignite and shine again on our daily roads.

What I wish for you all!

Cover picture by Rebekah Vos.

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