Brew Monday – a day of making tea for yourself and others

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Blue Monday was introduced to the calendar as the most depressing day of the year by UK psychologist from Cardiff. January is probably very gloomy and wet in the Welsh capital located on the Bristol Channel, major inlet extent to the North Atlantic. I can imagine it because we have in Ireland the same, even worst.

Although Blue Monday is controversial and labeling as a pseudoscientific term of the advertising world, or fashion. I personally like the message of this day that opens up a discussion about our moods, which is not easy to talk about. Also, it is important to note that gloomy weather can be hard for our mind.

In Galway, Ireland, the city inlet of the Atlantic; December, January and February are the most stormy, wet, and cloud-heavy months. It rains for weeks, sometimes. Often, when I wake up in the morning, I can see how the Misty Memories Gray turns into Trout Gray, and sometimes even Gravel Gray. I happened to get out of bed a few times and hit over the door on the way to the bathroom, because the permanently storm was in my head. On such days, depressive states wake up in me too. January Blue Monday is a day that can bring understanding for ourselves and for others who do not feel very well mentally.

This year in UK and Ireland, a mental health organization has turned Blue Monday for Brew Monday. So, we have a day of making tea for yourself and for others. Such a day can be a great motivation to connect with others and drink virtual cuppa. Also, you can take a photo of your teapot and cup of favourite brew you drinking, and share it with friends, like we did in our Wave Maker’s group It was an idea of Elena, after she read this post.

No fear of being judged

Maybe today someone will dare to tell you a story without fear. Or maybe someone’s ordinary piece will be noticed by us? Will we go beyond our thoughts and not judge that our friend is complaining about headache again? Because maybe she/he wants to tell us something important, and she/he doesn’t know how to get our attention when she/he feels mentally not well. Many people with depression or when they feel lost want to be noticed. But they often ashame to confide it.

Living in the rainiest city in Ireland I often feel hard with gloomy weather, with the dampness that appears on the walls, which I am allergic to. I meet a lot of people for whom it is not easy, too. If you feel good today and very positive, then there is no reason to looking for the depressive day. Because it is not possible to have the same feelings for everyone. Perhaps, instead of reflecting on the evidence, it is worthwhile to see each other, really notice them, not just watching. And then we can hug with good thoughts without judging and advices. So many people experience strange feelings and talk so little about it.

P.S. The sadness, as every emotion brings us a message. And today we can admit openly without embarrassment if we feel wrong for some reason. That why Blue Monday can be useful and can turn for Brew Monday if we will brew a tea for somebody, even online.

How are you feeling today?

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2 Comments Brew Monday – a day of making tea for yourself and others

  1. Irena 18 January 2021 at 14:40

    poproszę o oficjalnie ogłoszenie “Dnia Wspaniałego Samopoczucia”, może nawet tygodnia czy miesiąca :), u nas śnieg leży sobie, na całej połaci, w przeróżnej postaci (“Kabaret Starszych Panów”)

  2. Blue Tram 18 January 2021 at 16:33

    Myślę, że nikt z nas nie umie się czuć na zawołanie, czy źle czy dobrze. Każdy w danej chwili może czuć co innego. Ale dzień śniegu by się przydał. Musi być cudownie! Może przyślecie trochę białego puchu do nas? Pozdrowienia!


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