I don’t want to be the same anymore

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The phenomenon of the Sibiu International Theatre Festival in Romania goes on regardless of time. It is a sense of community of people from various countries, the openness to others, and the love of artistic activities. Last year, I was a volunteer at this festival. Now, I got a chance to participate in the conference Sibiu Performing Arts Market again.

The theatre festival in Sibiu has become part of life for many people. For me, too. So, I would like to share with you the moving spirit which I experienced in the last online edition. This time the dialogue was on the computer screens and we connected mostly from homes or offices, but the atmosphere was similar to Live.

Part of Human Culture

The three-day conference Sibiu International Performing Arts Market which is a part of the festival has attended by people of culture from around the world: artists, producers, coordinators, officials, critics, journalists, and volunteers from previous editions. We were wondering together about artistic events during the pandemic present and about the orients for the future.

Restrictions are different in different countries. However, whether the borders are open or half-open uncertain situation affects everyone. It is still not easy to travel and be enthusiastic in the crowd. Actor and theatre chief Petra Brylander who was representing The Swedish Biennial for Performing Arts told that in Sweden many cultural institutions remained open but the artists worried about being sick and also they think about the viewer’s risk. Many people keep a distance, even if there are no strong restrictions.

The digital form cannot be the only answer. We need people around us, we need live performances

 – so said Dieter Jaenicke, head of the Internationale tanzmesse nrw.

During the pandemic, when I am at home, I recognize that I need much less for happiness. Now we need much less consume. So the question is – How much art do we need now?

Let’s ask more from ourselves

I wonder how I can understand what a social community needs now, and what I can do as an artist for the community at that time? – said Joan Clevillé dancer and artistic director from Scottish Dance Theatre.

Everything what we do right now is part of human culture, and this is exactly what the artists have to adapt to and draw from. We need to change our thinking and stop looking only at old solutions because they just do not work. – emphasized the  Romanian theatre critic Octavian Saiu.

During these three days of intensive dialogue, we did not get a definite answer. There are so many gaps in our knowledge, but this difficult time brouht us the dialogue. We all create a new history, currently.

I am not sure that I want to be the same after the pandemic

– said Nelson Fernandez International producer, expirenced artist and director from UK and moderator of the panel Talking Festival at the Sibiu Arts Market conference.

Many of us do not want to come back to the same normality. I do not want to be the same, too. I want to go beyond my schematics, be more human for myself and others. I want to discover more types of perspectives.

shot screen from “Scarlet Princess”

The pandemic has shaped various challenges

During Sibiu International Theatre Festival online edition it was such a pleasure to have a contemporary ballet at home Anty-gone by Grzegorz Bral, director from “Song of the Goat” theatre from Wroclaw, Poland. Also, the Scarlet Princess with kabuki elements visited me once an afternoon. Theatre performances became part of my everyday life with the sounds of the ordinary day from the corridor. This closeness gave me a spark.

Let’s not be afraid to talk about how we really feel today. Let’s try to exceed of habits. Maybe this is a chance to get closer to ourselves, others and see many different types of perspectives.

Let’s stay connected, share ideas, support each other and create new projects.

Zdjęcie tytułowe zrobił Magu Sumita. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone.

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2 Comments I don’t want to be the same anymore

  1. DIRNDL SKIRT 24 June 2020 at 23:19

    “Many of us do not want to come back to the same normality. I do not want to be the same, too. I want to go beyond my schematics, be more human for myself and others.” I feel this way, too. I love that you can sustain your connection to Sibiu and all the creatives who enveloped you during this life-altering experience last year—and continue to expand your horizons during a seeming period of constriction this year.

  2. blue tram 25 June 2020 at 11:46

    Thank you, Sharon! The sunny thoughts to you!


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