What Do You Think About My Blog – Survey Summary.

This post is also available in: polski (Polish)

Your responses were like signposts in a city full of life. I got a lot of information from you and found out that Blue Tram is going in the right direction. You have filled it in two separate forms in English or Polish. And your observations inspired me to create my first infographics that decorated this post. Thank you!

Who are the readers of the Blue Tram?

You live in different countries. Most people come from Ireland and Poland, but also there are readers from the USA, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Great Britain, Romania, China, and Australia. My blog is mostly read by women aged 30-70, sometimes a little younger 20-29. However, there are also men, mostly between the ages of 40 and 70.

Important note. The responses of English-speakers and Polish-speakers in graphics with charts are separated – like it was in the Google forms.

What types of articles do you like the most?

You love to reach reflections connected with real places. It is a nice sign for me because I usually write my thoughts in poetic language. So I’m glad that the metaphor I use also speaks to you in English. You are happy with the thematic diversity and social commitment on the blog.

What more would you like to read about?

Many people love to read about travel and unknown places and want more blog posts about it. Also, you will be happy with the events describes and interviews with interesting people. Some of you are waiting for book reviews, or even movie reviews. There are also readers who would like more texts about art.

What posts do you dislike?

Most of you don’t like texts about fashion. You are also not so interested in emigration subjects or food recipes. Ironically, some of you don’t like interviews and texts about social change. But at the same time, many people would like to read more about it.

Do you like the length of the texts?

Usually, the form of posts is ok for you, but two people wrote to me that some texts are too long, and it does not allow them to focus on the essence. Also sometimes they do not have time to read big articles. There were also readers who found my blog posts too short.


Although the question about the language was not included in the survey, you often tell me about it. Because many people from Poland like to read posts in English as part of language exercises. It is a great appreciation for me. Thank you so much!

One person wrote me that sometimes, she finds in the article grammatical errors in English that disrupt the flow of the blog. Other English- Native readers have informed me that they can observe the linguistic progress. I also can see a long way that I have come from the beginning. Although writing in two languages ​​is not so easy. But, I like it because I discover the details of the language that cannot be explored in speech.

Would you like to ask me some question?

Can you write a bit more?

I try to write regularly, once or twice a week. If possible, I will try to publish more texts.

When are you come back to Wrocław?

I do not know yet. However, I think I will move one day because I miss my first love city so much.

Could you please not be so stressed by the number of readers?

Oh good. I will try to. I am glad that after two years I have a nice group of readers who often bring me down to earth that it is not worth comparing with others. Because each of us works differently.

What does blogging give you? How do you fulfill yourself in this regard?

First of all, I can develop my writing skills. I also learn a lot of new things – text editing, photo retouch, infographics design, digital marketing, work organization. Thanks to blogging, I open to different people, other cultures, unique activities, and cooperation. I dare to believe in myself. Blogging teaches me humility, as well.

Will the blog be on Instagram?

It has been for a long time. Click on the link.

At what point do you write your posts? Do you plan in advance how many posts you will write in a month?

My motto is regular writing. Largely, everyday life inspires me to write blog posts. But also trips, events, workshops in which I participate, meetings with people, lines from the poem, songs or songs, even colors. Usually, the idea is born spontaneously. However, I always plan interviews. I also assumed to write five posts a month. So I try to publish once or twice a week. I often write down the text concept in a notebook, but I do not always implement it, or not immediately. Sometimes I come back to the article I started, even after a few months.

Dear Readers, thank you very much for completing the survey, your support, great insights, kind words, and various comments. Thanks to them I found out what you like to read and what inspires you. Your feedback motivated me to improve my writing.

Let’s go on a further adventure!

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